This week was pretty low key. We are back to work full time. We have
been teaching our progressing investigators about Word of Wisdom because
they have some vices, but I am SO proud of them because they are really
doing everything in their power to overcome their addictions and its so
awesome! I am still trying get back int Super Sayan status, but I think
I am almost fully charged, we will see what happens this week.
We had only 5 of our investigators at church because it rained on Sunday
morning, and rain means... lets not keep the commandments and go to
church... for a lot of people haha. Especially here in Lasam, because
when it rains it is super muddy and most of Lasam is dirt roads....BUT
"if ye love me, keep my commandments."
finished 'The Miracle of Forgiveness' and it opened my eyes. I AM SUCH A
SINNER AND I HAVE SO MUCH TO REPENT OF! Straight and narrow is the way
that leads to Eternal Life, and no unclean thing can enter into the
kingdom of God, and we cannot procrastinate the day of our repentance,
and if we don't repent and endure to the end we cannot obtain eternal
life. There are a lot of members in Lasam, active and less active, that
are not repenting and enduring to the end. I realized yesterday that I
haven't been working with members enough and helping them repent and
endure to the end. I have been working with investigators 24/7. But I
realized that if I don't help the members repent and keep the
commandments, their blood might come upon my head. So we are gonna have
to rework our crazy busy schedule and make time to reach out to the
members in Lasam.
Elder Salazar is a humble
and kind person and super loving and serviceable and he always wants to
serve me and look out for me even though I am fine, and I tell him all
the time that I am good, and I give him a hard time because I like to
just mind my own business and let other people mind theirs, haha, so I
will have to work on that and be nicer this week and let him serve me,
and maybe I will try to be more serviceable as well.
love you all. I want all of you to remember to that we cannot be saved
if we don't repent. Even our little sins, the ones that seem innocent and
harmless and that we ignore need to be washed in the blood of the Lamb,
because no unclean thing may enter the celestial kingdom. Sometimes we
think to ourselves that,"God understands me, He knows I mean well, He
will forgive me and save me at the last day." But in reality, we are
only procrastinating the day of our repentance and misinterpreting what
the grace of Christ is, and when it is applicable. Mercy CANNOT rob
justice. We must repent to be forgiven, and to obtain an inheritance in
the Celestial Kingdom. There are no freebees. Don't let Satan lull us
away into a sense of carnal security and pacify us while he leads us
down to hell. Pray that we may endure temptation and come off conqueror, and repent so that we may be forgiven and have joy.
I love and pray for you all.
Next week I will have a better email I promise!
Elder Andersen