Cge, I apologize for the no pictures last week. The comp I was using was giving me troubles.
way. We had Elder Haynie of the Seventy come to Laoag! It was awesome.
We learned about how to involve the ward and help them become missionary
oriented. We learned about the keys of the gathering of Israel, we
learned about lots of cool stuffff. We were free to ask inspired
questions, so there were lots of questions, and a lot of different
topics that were addressed. My favorite thing was we read about Enoch,
and his mission call, and his weakness, and then his power. Then we read
moses 6:38 I think? 38 And they came forth to hear him, upon the high places, saying unto the tent-keepers:
Tarry ye here and keep the tents, while we go yonder to behold the
seer, for he prophesieth, and there is a strange thing in the land; a wildman hath come among us.
Elder Haynie asked us if we knew if the Filipinos were saying these
kinds of things about us. Haha. I immediately wrote down in my planner
"BE THE WILD MAN" that's been my motto ever since.
Work still slow here in good 'ole Santo Domingo. We really went out
and tried to focus on the members and less actives this week, according
to the counsel of Elder Haynie and Presdient Andrada. We reached out to
some people and we are trying to train them to be missionaries.
there was this super cool Australian dude, he was building his house
for retirement being one of our less actives house. He was tall,
stocky, tan, and just like... a man. He had sunglasses and a safari
hat, and all these catholic necklaces, and this super deep accent and
yah, he was way cool. It was really weird because I talked with him in
English and it was really hard. We introduced ourselves, and he
said " I'm more of a mercenary than a missionary" But yah, he said he
knew everything their was to know about Mormons. He thought Brigham
Young was the founder, so maybe he doesn't know everything haha. I asked
him why he hadn't joined yet, he deflected and then He offered me a beer
and I obviously said no. he was like," I know your a Mormon, but still,
any Yankee likes a good beer." Hahah. I told him to come to church with
us and offered to teach him. I'm pretty sure he was drunk the whole
time we were talking to him haha. I then asked him if he had read the
book of Mormon, and he said he had some but never read them. I said "
ahh man, that's the key, you have to read the book man!" He told me to "
go away, return, and we will talk some more later" haha. Funny guy.
Yeshh, No investigators at church for us on Sunday :(
The sister missionaries had some, but they have been at the hospital
for a week, Sister Staples has Dengue. :I One of the La's said he would
come today, but wala siya! Ano ba iyon!?
I've really noticed my Tagalog is improving a lot, still have a long way to go, pero basta, umunlad siya!
cge na, sa darating Linggo, Mageemail tayo!
Thank you for your emails and your prayers and your support I love you all!
-Elder Andersen
Elder Haynie of the Seventy and Sister Haynie

Those tagapagbawal, JokeLang, Obedient us!
Splits in San Juan. Super cute, it hurts my eyes! Too much handsome ...
Don't ask, okay I tell you. This is the former president
of the Philippines, who is from Vigan.He is a centaur. He also slays
wild African beasts and skins them, and they are all in the Baluarte
zoo. He also walked the streets of Vigan with a tiger on a chain, while
probably accidentally flipping off the camera. I took a pic of it haha.
So macho talaga

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